Sunday, December 5, 2010

Many Many Tangents....

Hello again... I am going to go off on many tangents so bare with me.

Since my last post I have been depressed about Harry Potter but guess what there are more books in the world and more movies. I have been told recently that I tend to read mostly mystical and magical books. I see their point. I love be taken to a wold that I would not be able to experience unless the words in the book take me there. But I would love to point out that some of my favorite books are not mystical or magical. For example, East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Surprising but I feel in love with this book as a junior in High School. It has been four years and still I am in love. It also doesn't hurt that James Dean was in the film adaptation. But I have discovered great books that are not Harry Potter. Here is my list of my favorite books...
1. Harry Potter Series.. did I need to tell you this?
2. The Hunger Games Series.. No Joke this is brilliant!
3. East of Eden (as above stated)
4. Pride and Prejudice.. I love me some Jane Austin
5. basically any Rick Riordan book pertaining to Egyptian or Greek mythology
6. Murder on the Links (mystery's are so good!)
7. Hood Series (the story of Robin Hood told in a completely different way)
8. The Crystal Cave series (soooo good! told by Merlin!)
9. Go Ask Alice (I implore you to read this!)
10. Beauty (a take on Beauty and the Beast)
and the final is Peter Pan its pretty close to Beauty :)

As you can see it is mostly mystical and magical but I am telling you it takes you to a completely different place!

My second tangent... Disney Movies

I feel like any Disney movie has a song that expresses how you feel in a given moment. I recently re-watched Mulan and I am telling you what a female empowerment movie. I mean she is so tough and awesome and after studying a whole semester in China, she is a great role model. Beauty and the Beast appeals to the reader inside me. Lion King is all about the Shakespearean in you. Hunchback of Notre Dame shows you that it is good to be different. And Hercules is well Hercules. Disney brings a whole new meaning to experiencing different things. Recently I have been obsessed with watching Disney movies. Recently I watched Tangled, ya know the Rapunzel one. Well I found this movie to be extremely witty and beautiful. It tells the story of Rapunzel very well even the dark parts of Rapunzel. If you do not know Rapunzel is locked in a tower by a witch who says she is her mother. And every day the witch comes and asks her to let down her hair. Each time she does until she meets a "prince," in Tanged's case he isn't a prince so we can over look this. But the witch causes harm to the prince and Rapunzel finds him and saves him with her tears. PS this happens in the movie. But like any Disney movie it does not talk about the part where Rapunzel gets pregnant has children and is sent off to a desert. But its Disney whatcha gonna do.

Now my last tangent not as fun as the afore mentioned...

Finals. Don't we all love them! NO! thats what I said NO! Now lets back track and see why I do not like the extreme torture that is finals. First, here at Wroxton, finals take up 3 hours for each class. Now these are not those easy Multiple Choice questions where you have a 25% chance of getting the question right. No No No that would be too easy. Basically the test is set up s that you have to basically write 3 to 4 essays on subjects that you studied in class. Social Psychology I had to write about the "self," conformity and obedience, and the Dramatergical Model. Now after studying all this information in class it isn't as hard as some would think. but lets bring other things on the table. One it is cold outside and you are locked in a room for 3 hours. Oh yea if you leave you can't come back in and finish your test! Second test I took was Core, I had to write 4 essays one on china, india, and nigeria and the last essay was on all 3. it was soo much fun let me tel you. Tomorrow I take a final on "the Plays the Ting". A class devoted to theater and analyzing texts and performances. We get to write 3 lovely essays about the different performances we saw and recall everything including quotes. Doesn't this sound like a blast! wait there is more! my last final which is on Thursday is about English Art History. I know you are asking who are the famous English painters! let me tell you! Turner, Hogarth, Constable, Bacon, Holbein, Van Dyke.. on top of knowing who painted which painting then you get to talk about the type of painting the story behind it and the different techniques used! I am jumping for Joy right now. So after this ti-raid I will be going to sleep because as my parents just told me i look really tired! but it could not be because of the hours of testing I have just endured. 3 more tomorrow and 3 on Thursday then this semester is over and I go back to the States.

It is said to think that I only have about 7 days left before I have to leave this beautiful country. I get to spend it taking tests but on Saturday We all go into London to see War Horse. Brilliant production but can be extremely sad! what a way to be sent back tot he States with a lovely story about WW1. Oh There is always a silver lining.

Until Next Time! I will have you watch this lovely clip :) It is getting me through this :)

I have not mastered fully uploading it but watch it oh and this one too while your at it

AHHH now time to sleep and read some Agatha Christie.. Good Night and Good Luck ;)